Seasoon Opener! Bernstein with Bo, the rest of the gang was sick leave. We catched some sun on the way to the spot.
- Me uphilly
- Bo uphilly
It looked more like it will start to rain during the shopping stop. But karma was out friend and it just got fresh 🙂 When we arrived there was already a camp fire. Some dad’s with their kids had a BBQ, easy for our BBQ.
- Camp fire already there
- New local at the hut
- Bo in the hut
- Bo & camp fire
We had a fine BBQ, very good talks, about life, relationships, goals in life. Very inspiring.Thank you Bo, it was a blast.
I figured out that sleeping outside “grounds” me totally, Also the view in the Murg valley was nice.
- Bernstein hut
- Bo. The one & only
- Murg valley
… in the morning we got some sun for the coffee. What else do you need? Go outside. Outside is free 🫶