Back home after the trip in Switzerland i started searching for a nearby spot for an overnighter. After some research i figured out a spot called ‘Bernstein’. I asked a friend of the bikepolo guys if he will join me, the quick reply was ‘for sure!’.
We started on a sunny saturday afternoon. We could ride a bike lane upto Bad Herrenalb through the woods. In Bad Herrenalb we used the normal street till Bernbach. 3k of serious uphill. Then started a heavy gravel way for us. We tried to take a short way but then we had to push the bikes. The rocks on the way got too big for our tires. We managed it on top of the hill and we could roll nearly flat till we saw a sign to right with ‘Bernstein’ 🙂
The first 150 meters are red sand. Followed by normal sand. Then with smaller rocks, getting bigger the nearer you get to the spot. All in the woods on a straigth way, with a view! Then you land at the spot, with a cottage, a fireplace and the platform with a view to the Rhine valley. BÄM!
I was really amazed that this spot was (is) that perfect! First we enjoyed the view with a mug of wine.
When the sun….
…went down we could start the BBQ! Sitting at the campfire, drinking wine and talk. Just great! Somewhen we went sleeping under the sky with a warm wind on top of the sleeping bags…
Waking up, making coffee and going to drink it on the platform with that amazing view over the Rhine valley!
On the way back we stopped in Ettlingen for some breakfast, sitting at the Alb was a fine finish of this overnighter. First local overnighter done 🙂 more to come…