Erik and myself got hot for overnighters during the work week, awesome break to reformat your brain. 😉
After the success (for us) of our first one we figured out another date. If you have the experience
what will happen, your pleasure before gets bigger. Now is also day when you start in the office a super easy day, such a relaxed mood. We met again in Ettlingen, this is the place where the gravel way direction to ‘Bad Herrenalb’ starts. It’s called the ‘Graf Rheyna Weg’, a local noble (19th century).
- fat Erik
- fat Erik
- fat Erik
We had a stop at the supermarket before getting to the spot. Spinach sausages, wine, beer and, at least, bread. This time we took the easier variation, the ‘new Bernstein Weg’ which is at first mostly tarmac. The 5k up where quite ok, also if you know what’s waiting for you when you reach the goal. On top of that hill you have to go straight round about 400m, the surface changes two times. first you have kind of red sand, followed by stones and normal sand, combined with rocks.
This time the spot was empty. First of all, we got on the platform with the bench and enjoyed the view (yes, there’s a bench, also a plate with some distances of spot/villages you see, and not, also the distance to the sun ).
- winner beer!
- my touring bike
- sundown
- sundown
- starting the camp fire
- fire, fire and beer
- bugs
- camp fire
This time we switched, i was getting water and Erik took care of the camp fire. For me it was the first time at the source. Great way down to there. The bad thing is that you have to walk uphill with water filled bottles. It looks partly like in a fairy tale, forest with stones and moss on the small trail. I really love this place on earth!
We also had the demanding bugs during diner, this time we preferred to eat at the camp fire. It’s not cool if you drink and recognize that a bug wanted to drink the wine with you 😉
The night was super easy, the view before you got to sleep is just pretty, go on the rock and have view in the Rhine valley. sometimes you can see till Strassbourg which is 40k away.
- cottage in the woods
- lovely spot!
- morning view with…
- …coffee
Morning. Wake up, 6.30 a.m. AÂ lot of fresh air, you can smell the forest. Erik is my favorite barista up here.
Then we headed direction to Ettlingen, down the gravel path we went up, i had a flat. IÂ hope it’s not getting the ‘mandatory flat tire’…. It was an amazing overnighter again with Erik! 2017 is waiting for us!